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私营企业 · 50 - 99人 · 教育培训


Ebest education is an entrepreneurial educational company which is founded in April 2011 with rapid growth.It contains a high education brand Global English.It focuses on educating teenagers aged between 3 and 18, provides services like international authoritative testing, study tour, inter-cultural communication, sticks to “ Always Learning”, has the faith that one baby one life, declares education only , promotes work happily, live rosily, learn joyously and pursues joint growth and progress. 世邦教育成立于2011年4月,是一家快速增长的创业型教育科技公司。旗下**教育品牌环球国际英语主要从事3-18岁的青少儿英语教育事业,提供国际权威测评,国际游学,出国留学,国际文化交流等服务.秉承“Always Learning”的理念,坚守One baby one life”的信条,以“只是做好教育”为口号,倡导“快乐工作?快乐生活?快乐学习”,以求共同成长,共同**。 We bring in the world’s first infant English teaching method-;-;- Ipad App, the best SMART white board and on-line study system in order to become the most professional digital language training school. We dedicates in exploring new space of human education through new methods, new ideas and new theories. 环球**于成为***的数字化语言培训机构,**引进*首款幼儿英语教学工具Ipad App,国际**的SMART电子白板、在线学习系统等,通过新技术、新方法、新理论来探索人类教育新空间 We stick to the conception of skill development in 21st century, the eight intelligences and global civic attainment; we promote value education; we hold activities like English Corner Activity and cultivate the future leader who can think independently and learn well. We hope that our children have the entire motherland in mind and have the whole world in view with our guidance. 按照“21世纪技能开发、八大智能、GCE*公民素养”理念,提倡价值观的教育,举行ECA(English Corner Activity)活动等方式,培养“学术**、独立思考的未来领袖”,期望我们的孩子从小就能胸怀祖国,放眼世界。 We construct an environment for immersion English study; we adopt 18 teaching methods; we teach children by Chinese and foreign teachers alternatively; we promote happy class, exploring education and experimental study. We have excellent class which has student no more than 15 with all-around services. Ebest not only pay attention to the progress on language learning, but also care for children’s physical and ps




